Testimonials & Praise

Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days

Parents supporting children with bedwetting for bed wetting solutions

How to empower your child!

“My lad was on two types of medication, one to reduce the urge, and one to reduce urine production at night. He was on these for over a year, and my thoughts were if the medication is going to work it should have worked by now, or the poor lad has a real physical problem that needs addressing. Bedwetting was affecting his friendships as he was embarrassed to wear a nappy at friends’ houses so was missing out on sleepovers and birthday celebrations.

I purchased the programme and stopped the medication. We had a chat and I explained the best way to solve the problem was for him to follow the exercises. We spent an hour discussing the plan and he understood the process and what was required of him.

Within ten days we have dry nights! So proud of him for resolving his own problem and he’s delighted to have learnt a method for dealing with other problems he’s faced. Thank you!”

- N. Wheeler


“I was very sceptical that we could solve our bed wetting problem in a week. Well, I was absolutely wrong. Both of my children (8 and 10) were dry by day 7! I really can’t thank you enough. I am completely amazed. Thank you!

I really can’t properly express my amazement about how well it worked. I just wish I had done it sooner.

- Rob Bohn - Happy Dad


I bought your programme for our 4.5 year old son Edward, who has never had a dry night before. We’re 7 days in and he’s had 4 dry nights. This has been such an easy, pleasant and positive way to approach the problem. Just wanted to say thanks! So glad we avoided all the alarms and doctors!

TWO WEEKS LATER - Still good news and so happy it’s done!

- Jennifer Johnson - Happy Mum

The best method for us; hopefully for your family too!

“This book is brilliant. I bought it after seeing it while (in desperation) looking for a bed wetting alarm on Amazon. After reading the other reviews I was convinced that this book was the best approach for helping my eight year old daughter to be dry at night. She embraced the method and exercises whole heartedly, even sharing her sketches with her teacher. She really enjoyed the visualisations and the empowerment of taking control of a situation that had really been getting her down.

I am delighted to report that the methods worked, and roughly 14 days after she started the programme, she is now dry at nights. I am so proud of her, and thankful to Alicia for putting together such a sensible, practical and inspiring resource.”

- Miss L Wood

How to make an 8 year old boy’s wish come true!

“This is exactly what “Stop Bedwetting in 7 days” did for our son, who had only ever managed one dry night in his life.

We had tried night lifting and wetness alarms without success and had even given Acupuncture and Homeopathy a whirl but nothing worked. Like most people, I thought the title of the programme was too good to be true but as it was well-reviewed I thought I would give it a go, especially our little boy was becoming increasingly despondent about ever becoming dry at night. He is the youngest of four children and the only one to have had any problem with bed-wetting, so we thought we would give him as much time as we could to become dry on his own and we had also wanted to try and avoid the medication route if at all possible. This really was our last chance for our little fella and we were determined to give it a ‘good go’ as we all found it sad that he couldn’t go for sleepovers and that he started to dread when friends who came to stay, in case they found out he wore a nappy at night.

I realise we were incredibly lucky as the programme not only fulfilled upon the statement in its title, it surpassed itself as our delighted little boy was dry after 4 days of following it. Not wishing to get carried away with our success we diligently finished it and almost one year to the day later I can report that he has only had two accidents, one when he was tired and out of routine and the other when he was jetlagged. I have recommended this programme to lots of friends and my family and they too have found it incredibly helpful even if they didn’t have success as quickly as we did.”

- S.K Sussex

 It’s like magic!

“My 9-year old daughter never had a dry night, and in fact wet the bed 2 or 3 times every night, before following this programme. We went to the bed-wetting clinic and tried all their recommendations including an alarm, which was a disaster. One night we were up 6 times changing bedding and mostly it woke us up and she just slept right through it!

We didn’t want to go down the medication route which was the next step offered to us by the NHS, so in desperation I thought I’d try Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days. We are now on day 5, we had one dry night after just the Introduction and then only one wet night, then 3 dry nights in a row! It’s like a miracle! I honestly thought we had many more years of this misery ahead of us, and now, hopefully it’s in the past. It takes a bit of commitment, but actually my daughter and I have enjoyed working through the exercises together. I couldn’t recommend this book more highly.”

- Vanessa G. Edinburgh

Parent supporting children to stop bed wetting

It really works!

“We had been badly let down by our GP and local health services when I asked for help, as my 10 year old son was getting very distressed about his bed wetting. We were referred to a bed wetting clinic that we discovered didn’t exist. A telephone conversation with the school nurse recommended that we buy our own bed wetting alarm and do it ourselves. I couldn’t quite see how an alarm was going to help as I didn’t see how it would allow my son to take control of his bladder. I could see him having to use it on a permanent basis which wouldn’t help with sleepovers and school residential trips. Whilst desperately searching Amazon for anything that might help, I found this book. I was a little sceptical that a book could solve our problem but, as no one else was prepared to help us, it had to be worth a go.

The book arrived and, before doing anything else, I read the book cover to cover. It was very easy to read and I found that Alicia reinforced my feeling about conventional methods. We had our first dry bed on the morning of our 6th day of the book! We continued with the nightly check list and the audio track and had 10 consecutive dry nights. On the morning of the 16th and 17th days we didn’t achieve a dry bed but my son had taken over the nightly routine himself. I suspected that he had become a little complacent with his routine. On the evening of the 17th day we recapped all the exercises and talked through the associated feelings and expectations. The morning of day 18 was back to a lovely dry bed and he has been dry ever since.

Before this fantastic book we were lucky if we had 2 or 3 dry beds a month. Whilst we know we might have the odd non-dry bed, we know how to get back on track if it occurs. My son is now able to wake himself up in the night if he needs to, as well as sleeping right through keeping control of his bladder if he has no urgent need. He is a different boy now, he is so much happier and we are loving not having to constantly wash bedding. We are also looking forward to his worry free week long school residential in the spring.

I cannot recommend this book enough. It has been a life saver when we were at a loss as to how to help our son. As far as I’m concerned don’t bother with the conventional methods, “Stop bed wetting in 7 days” is a long term solution rather than a short term fix!”

- S. Howland

A phenomenal success story!

“I couldn’t believe my luck the day the NHS continence service handed me this amazing book having exhausted every option in trying to get my 11 year-old son with Down Syndrome continent. I had worked with so many health professionals for 7 years trying to achieve continence for my son.

Our lives were totally transformed the day I was given this book. I finally had some hope again. The continence advisor hadn’t yet read the book at the time but she knew I was determined to get the support my child needed and I wouldn’t give up hope. Wearing incontinence product at 11 years old was cumbersome and very embarrassing for my child and was costing the NHS a lot of money. The medical team suggested as a last resort that my son could take medication to try to achieve dryness at night but that just seemed like it would cause even more problems for my son trying to get him to take medication too was not in his best interest given his medical condition.I knew there had to be a better way to meet the needs of my child.

I read the book and downloaded the accompanying hypnotherapy CD. I contacted Alicia the author out of sheer desperation as a parent and explained that my son had special needs and that the medical professionals had exhausted every avenue trying to help get my child with special needs continent and I asked how would I be able to achieve success. She was so helpful and understanding.I followed the guidance and within one week my child was continent at nighttime. One week later he was continent daytime and nighttime.

The school and the medical professionals were shocked at the mind blowing success achieved from Alicia Eaton’s approach. Phenomenal success achieved and our lives transformed with this wonderful practical easy to read book.

Thank you so much to Alicia Eaton. I highly recommend it to all those struggling with continence issues and to share it with health advisors and medical health professionals world- wide. My son is so much happier and his self-esteem, confidence and emotional health and wellbeing have also improved greatly.”

- Helen Gurnhill

Children saying thank you to Alicia for solving their bedwetting issues

Wish we’d found this before.

“I have 4 children, of whom 2 boys (aged 7 and 10) have been bedwetting up until now.

We are working through your programme
and so far
have seen a marked improvement in both boys! The most significant change is that both boys are waking during the night to go to the toilet. This is a new development for both boys, especially the older one, who is a very heavy sleeper. We have had the odd wet bed, but the tendency is increasingly heading towards dry beds and we are continuing to listen to the audio recording and with the positive reinforcement.

My disappointment is that this system has not been recommended to us before
even though we have repeatedly sought help from the medical profession. I would love to see GP’s made aware of your programme, so that they can offer this as a constructive tool to help parents like myself, who have struggled for years.”

- Julia

Please don’t give up!

“Hi – to anyone out there trying to help their child – please don’t give up! My son was born with a severe hypospadias – he has had numerous operations to rectify this. He was not dry during the day until he was 5. Unfortunately, trying to be dry during the night was another matter. Up until April of this year he was in pads (nappies).

After a very negative visit to a Paediatric Doctor who told me my son would be in the 1% that would never be dry during the night I decided enough was enough. I went home after that consultation and said this is it – he’s not wearing pads tonight.

We had gone down the route of trying medication but unfortunately, he had severe side affects to them.I had tried a couple of alarms but my son is a very deep sleeper and we found that he just slept through them (but the rest of the house were wakened).

Firstly, I purchased the Rogers Alarm and then I went on the internet to see if there was any book that could help. I came upon “Stop Bedwetting in Seven Days” – I purchased the video and the CD – my son has Development Delays and I found that he would sit down – with the headphones on and take in absolutely everything Alicia was saying. At night when he was in bed I would put the CD on and he loved listening to it. That was in May and since then he has had approximately 5 wet nights (this was probably due to the school holidays – no routine and being over tired). After one night’s accident – he actually put the CD on himself.

I totally understand how frustrating it is to feel so helpless but my advice to anyone is please follow Alicia’s programme and don’t give up. We now have a little boy who is very proud and a Mum and Dad and 3 big brothers who thinks he is truly amazing!”

- Gloria